Legal Information


Legal Information

The name "Chesterfield Tea Party" has a Common Law Trademark for the area of Richmond - Chesterfield County, VA, USA since 2010. No other organization in the area of Richmond - Chesterfield County, VA, USA can use the Common Law Trademarked name of "Chesterfield Tea Party". 

Chesterfield Tea Party 2010-2022 - Common Law Trademark Name | Legal Zoom

Fair Use and Free Speech

Chesterfield Tea Party is a non-profit website that allows individuals to share their political free speech. All text and images on this website are used under fair use copyright law and are protected political free speech under the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. If you have a copyright issue, then please contact us for a resolution.

Financial Disclaimer

Since the Chesterfield Tea Party, as a federally registered non-profit organization, takes no monies, membership dues, fees nor raises or collects any funds in any way, we have allowed Liberty Web Services to provide this website free of charge to Chesterfield Tea Party on the condition that Liberty Web Services is allowed to place third party advertisements on this website that provide Liberty Web Services with associate fees from a third party ad provider. All fees collected by them from this website goes 100% to charity.

Liberty Web Services and all associated entities are non-profit.